Welcome! Obviously you're interested in centerpin fishing for steelhead in the Northwest or you would have never came to this site. Well, we're glad you're here. Our vision and purpose of this site is to be in the forefront of Pacific Northwest Centerpin fishing, while supplying everything necessary to help you become a successful centerpin fanatic.
NW Centerpin was birthed out of our personal passion for centerpin fishing. To be honest I was turned on to centerpin fishing by a client and good friend of mine, Ken Rogers and his good buddy Tony Martin. They booked a trip with me on the Klickitat River and asked if they could bring their centerpin rods, and of course I said "Absolutely"...and the rest is history. Or at least history according to my world. I became a centerpin junkie, totally addicted and not looking for rehab or intervention!
Not that I'm totally hyped up on numbers all the time, but I will confess, centerpin fishing is absolutely the deadliest technique of fishing for steelhead that I know of to date! Hooking and landing ridiculous amounts of fish (when they are present) that it cannot be ignored, helps ease the withdrawals on the days you can't by a bite. Having days that I am embarrassed to say... "How many fish were hooked and landed"...because I fear you wouldn't believe me.
The history of centerpin fishing is rich in tradition, dating way back "In the day"...like 1651, when it was mentioned in English literature. So centerpin fishing is nothing new. However, materials and actions of the rods used for centerpin fishing today are far superior to any other in said history. Precision engineering of the current reels is phenomenal. One day on the river I thought how "SWEET" it would be if I could convince Ross Reels to create rims for my Ford F-350 that resemble my Ross "Flow" Centerpin reel. Ca'Mon...wouldn't that just be sweet as sweet could get. Think about it!
Enough rambling, seriously NW Centerpin was created to help everyone and anyone who is a Centerpinner, or is considering Centerpinning, or is new to the technique. By taking some of the most prolific Centerpin anglers in the Northwest who are already addicted to the sport and digging into their bag of tricks and tips and spreading the wealth.
At NW Centerpin we're going to do our best to give you a place that you can come to for information, updates, photos, videos, and shopping for all your Centerpin needs, to help you become a successful "Pinner".
Thank you for visiting NW Centerpin and we hope that you will come back regularly and take advantage of what we have to offer you.